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Our Programmes

Empowering Futures: Free Digital Marketing Course

In the dynamic landscape of the 21st century, where technology evolves at an unprecedented pace, acquiring new skills is not just advantageous – it's essential. Understanding the pivotal role that digital marketing plays in our interconnected world, The Right Place for You Foundation is proud to announce its groundbreaking initiative – a Free Digital Marketing Course that transcends age barriers, opening doors to new opportunities for learners of all backgrounds.

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As we navigate through the digital age, traditional modes of communication and commerce are being reshaped. The global shift towards digital platforms has not only transformed how businesses operate but has also created a demand for individuals skilled in navigating the digital landscape. The Right Place for You Foundation recognizes this shift and aims to empower individuals with the tools they need to thrive in this digital era.


In an era where socioeconomic disparities persist, The Right Place for You Foundation stands as a beacon of inclusivity. The Free Digital Marketing Course is more than an educational program; it's a symbol of the foundation's commitment to breaking down barriers...

Learn & Earn Programme

Thanks for registering to our event. See you there!


Join Us in Supporting Aditi's Journey to Recovery

Aditi Sharma, a courageous young girl, faced a life-altering accident two years ago that resulted in extensive surgery. Unfortunately, she is still unable to stand on her feet independently, and the ongoing medical expenses have become a significant burden for her family, who come from a poor background Join Us in Supporting Aditi's Journey to Recovery In this critical time, The Right Place for You Foundation has stepped forward to assist Aditi in her journey towards healing.


We have provided her vital medical assistance but due to lack of funds we need your support. We are asking for your generous donations, which can make a world of difference in her journey towards recovery.


Every contribution, no matter how small, will go directly towards covering her medical expenses and ensuring that she receive the care she desperately need. Together, we can make a positive impact and help her to regain her health and independence.


Thank you from the bottom of our heart for considering our plea and for your compassion.

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Let's Make a Different World Today

Donations: Provide financial support to us by making monetary contributions, which will help as carry out our mission and achieve our goals.


Volunteering: Offer your time and skills to help us carry out our work. This can include activities such as event planning, fundraising, community outreach, and more.


Membership: Join us as a member and take an active role in its work by participating in  events, and contributing your ideas and expertise.


You can make a difference in the lives of those in need.


Looking for a change be a member with us 


Come join us as a volunteer so that together we can create a better tomorrow

About us

The Right Place for You Foundation: Empowering Communities, Transforming Lives


The Right Place for You Foundation is not just an NGO, it's a beacon of hope for underprivileged communities. We work tirelessly across diverse sectors, including education, women's empowerment, healthcare, animal welfare, environmental conservation, and rural development.

Our Journey Began with the belief that knowledge is power. By bridging the information gap between villagers and the government, we aimed to spark awareness, self-development, and, ultimately, animal empowerment. Today, our impact extends far beyond, weaving a tapestry of positive change across diverse communities.

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We act as a beacon of hope, saving lives, enabling social protection, and defeating poverty through our multifaceted approach. We empower individuals and communities


A world where all individuals, regardless of gender, thrive in empowered communities, nurtured by equal opportunities, access to resources, and a culture of compassion and sustainability.

What we do

We believe that healthy, educated and empowered women and girls are agents of change. Across the world, we help educate, healthcare and empower marginalized girl children in India through our holistic approach, ensuring their enrollment and retention in school.

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The right place for you foundation has been constantly working for the education of underprivileged children specially girl child in different villages and cities.

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The right place for you foundation teaches people about health sanitization and it's extreme importance in current times in order to make a healthier tomorrow.


The right place for you foundation focusses on skill training for the overall development of our volunteers making them ready for a better 

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Street Animal

A report has revealed that the number of stray dogs and cats in the country is increasing rapidly. In this matter, India is far behind countries like Germany, South Africa and Britain. Know what this report says...

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Gender Equality

In India, gender equality is the state of having easy access to many resources and opportunities for both sexes, including economic participation and decision-making, and equally valuing all behavior's, goals, and needs.

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We are organizing a plantation camp, where we all plant tress for the environment where our volunteers, staff members clean all the areas including garden and the pond.

Our Executive Member

At The Right Place For Your Foundation, we believe in empowering women, empowering humanity. Our governing body consists of

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Nishul Singh



Adv Arpana Goswami


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Isha chugh


Our Certificates

Here we have many certificates, along with this, we have implemented what has been said in this certificate, here we have spread awareness among people about education, health, women empowerment, climate change and child awareness. Along with this, we have asked people here to cooperate in the progress of the country, people should use Indian products as much as possible, it will also benefit us, and our country will also progress, along with this we have also pledged in the interest of the country that we will always Will stand with the people who need us.

Be Vocal About Local

To make the dream of “Self-reliant India” come true, we have to adopt Vocal for Local in the country. For this, The Right Place For You Foundation is running various online and offline campaigns. 


Meet Our Volunteer



I parted with the right place for you foundation (TRP) so that I can help the needy people. In today's time, there are many children who are suffering from diseases, who do not have the money to get their treatment done. I want to help these children by joining The right place for you foundation (TRP). In our country there are a large number of illiterate poor people who are not able to take education because of their economic status.
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