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Helping Hungry Paws: Cause every dog deserves a ‘pawsitive’ meal

At Right Place For You Foundation, we believe every dog deserves a full belly and a happy wag. That’s why we recently embarked on a heartwarming mission to feed the street dogs in our community. on March 16, 2024

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Beyond the Food:


Playtime and Companionship Food is essential, but so is love and attention. After filling their bellies, we spent time playing with these pups. The joy in their eyes and the playful barks filled our hearts. It was a heartwarming reminder of the simple things that can make a big difference in a dog’s life.

Why We Do This:


Every Bowl Counts These forgotten souls often go hungry, scavenging for scraps or relying on the kindness of strangers. We wanted to show them that they are cared for.Our goal is to inspire others to join us in this mission.

You Can Make a Difference Too

Feed a Dog:  Even a small amount of food can make a world of difference. Opt for dog food specifically formulated for street dogs

Donate to Organizations Like Ours: Your contribution helps us purchase food, supplies, and medical care for these pups

Positive outcome of doing this event Our : “Helping Hungry Paws” event filled more than just bowls! We nourished local strays with healthy food, boosting their well-being. Playtime and cuddles built a bond, reminding us the power of kindness.

Mission: Woof! The Right Place For You Foundation Rescues 36 Pups!


Here’s the tail-wagging scoop

Rescued Squad: We brought 36 adorable pups in from tough situations, giving them a safe haven.


Healthy Hounds: Every dog received a complete medical check-up, ensuring they’re happy and healthy.


Healing Paws: A total of 41 pups received treatment for various medical needs.


Shots & Deworming: All our rescued pups are now protected with vaccinations and deworming treatments

Shots & Deworming: All our rescued pups are now protected with vaccinations and deworming treatments. Forever Homes Found! The best part? We found loving forever homes for a whopping 63dogs! This mission was a huge success, and we couldn’t have done it without YOU! A big thanksto everyone who helped.

What are the results came out from this? These rescued dogs received the care and love they deserve. Not only are they safe and healthy, but their wagging tails and new found hope are heartwarming rewards for everyone involved.

It’s all about love & humanity


There’s a special kind of love that transcends language, a connection forged through shared experiences and mutual understanding. It’s the love between humans and animals, a bond built on trust, companionship, and most importantly, care. At Right Place For You Foundation, this love fuels our passion for helping street dogs, the forgotten souls of our concrete jungles.

More Than Just Feeding: Building a Compassionate Community

Our mission extends beyond feeding street dogs. We strive to build a more compassionate community, one where humans understand the needs and challenges faced by these animals.

Through educational workshops and partnerships with local businesses, we raise awareness about responsible pet ownership, spaying and neutering, and the importance of showing kindness to street dogs.

Together, Let’s Create a Symphony of Love

Imagine a world where every dog, regardless of circumstance, has access to food, care, and a loving touch. With your help, the Right Place For You Foundation can build a future where the streets resonate not with the cries of hungry pups.

The Right Place For Your Foundation Saves Cat From Nasty Maggots!

Our furry friends can face some tough challenges, and recently, a brave cat crossed paths with our team at the Right Place For You Foundation. This poor kitty was battling a nasty case of myiasis, a disease caused by maggot infestation!

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1. Off to the Vet Hospital: Our dedicated volunteers whisked the cat away to the Government Veterinary Hospital. There, a kind doctor got to work

2. Snip, Meds & Injections: A Recipe for Recovery! The doctor carefully removed some of the cat’s fur to better access the maggots. Then, they administered medication and injections to treat the infestation and help the cat feel better.

3. Which types of positive outcomes came out : Saves Cat From Nasty Maggots Right Place For You Foundation stepped in to rescue a cat suffering from maggots. Not only was the cat saved from pain and potential infection, but it’s now on the road to recovery and a purrfectly healthy future

4. More Animals Need Our Help! Stories like this one remind us that many animals face sickness and injuries. The Right Place For You Foundation is dedicated to helping them all, but we can’t do it alone

Filling Empty Bellies and Bringingjoy:The Right Place For You Foundation Feeds Monkeys in Need!

Many of us share our urban spaces with monkeys, but what happens when they struggle to find food? The Right Place For You Foundation is stepping in to ensure these furry residents don’t go hungry!

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A Feast Fit for a Primate: In September 2023, Our dedicated team delivered a bounty of delicious tomatoes and bananas to a troop of monkeys. These healthy treats were a welcome sight, and the monkeys eagerly devoured them!

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Why We Feed Monkeys:


Our objective in feeding monkeys goes beyond just satisfying their hunger. Here’s why we do it:

• Promote peaceful coexistence: When monkeys have access to food, they’re less likely to raid trash cans or human settlements, reducing conflict.

• Maintain a healthy ecosystem: Monkeys play a role in seed dispersal, contributing to a healthy urban environment.


Resultants of feeding Monkeys: Providing nutritious food helps ensure these monkeys stay healthy and strong. It’s all part of our mission at the Right Place For You Foundation – to care for all creatures, big and small!

Keeping Our Furry Friends Safe: The Right Place For You Foundation and Rovadik Global Team Up!

Nighttime, especially during winter fog, can be a dangerous time for stray dogs. With limited visibility, these furry friends can easily be involved in accidents with vehicles. That’s where the Right Place For You Foundation steps in, along with the amazingsupport of Rovadik Global!

Shining a Light on Safety: Our mission? To equip stray dogs with reflective collars. These lifesavers make ourcanine companions more visible to drivers, significantly reducing the risk of accidents.

A Partnership for Paws: We know we can’t do this alone. That’s why we’re incredibly grateful to Rovadik Global for their generous donation of reflective collars. Their support makes a real difference in ensuring the safety of our furry friends.

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Outcomes of this collab with rovadik global

Reflective colors might enhance nighttime visibility, potentially keeping pups safe during walks. It was a dazzling display of canine style and responsible pet ownership!

A Big Thank You to Rovadik Global!

The Right Place For You Foundation extends a heartfelt thank you to Rovadik Global! Their partnership allows us to keep countless stray dogs safe and sound.

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